Lead Rails Engineer - OneCallCareMedical

As a lead engineer at OCCM I was responsible for leading the team from a technology point of view. This included leading the larger projects, helping architect infrastructure, and gracefully introducing new tech. On the other side of the coin I was additionally responsible for mentorship, helping product to shape incoming work, and run 1 on 1s. This was some of my most impactful work.

Senior Software Engineer - MyPowerSupply

This scrappy team was delightful to work with. We explored front-end testing together, fixed bugs, and introduced new features that brought joy to our customers. I led some of the more technical projects at that time such as rewriting the subscriptions logic, upgrading Rails, and raising the quality of our Javascript.

Senior Developer - Elevator Up

This employment was a truly unique experience. As the sole software engineer on the team not only did I implement, but I also established architecture and shaped technical requirements with new clients. Some of those projects included:

  • helping Baker Books develop a modern site that synced with their data
  • maintaining a goverment-driven app serving over 30 countries
  • converting an legacy CMS system to a headless one

Want to see the rest? Jump over to LinkedIn and browse my full employment history.